Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Observations with Mark Krug, Contributing Editor

Extremism and Truth

I am always amazed how many people do not think the very things they love are systematically destroying us. We have become so accustomed or desensitized to “normal”. I look at exercise over the past few decades and look at how extreme it has become. We even have exercise games on TV as competitions. For exercise to effective, do we really need crawl through mud filled tunnels, walk across fire, shocked and/or run 5 miles while zombies are chasing us? Once again, we have gone from sensible to extreme.

This extremism has even crept into our weather reports. In years gone by we had “approaching storms”,  “a chance of snow” or “possibility of a thunderstorm”. For the past few years when a storm is rolling in, we hear “34 million people will be effected by this storm system”. We even have snow bombs, snow cyclones and polar vortexes and 24 hour weather channels. Have we become so blasé that we need these types of terms to gain our attention to the weather?

We also seem to have this insatiable appetite for quick everything. The problem is then expect a quick response. A quick response rarely lends time to think through the whole situation. Have we lost the ability to think? Do we just tend to find articles, or read just the part we agree with, and then take that as the gospel? My father taught me that math is important for more than just equations. It teaches us a logical process for thought. So maybe algebra was important but not for the actual equations.

The left is in love with Hollywood and the music industry. Yet we can argue that those two industries alone have destroyed much of the morality of this country. When it comes to violence, they also lead the way and now want none of the blame or responsibility. As usual, everyone wants all the rights without any of the responsibilities.


In movies, video games and other forms of media you get to see glorified, graphic real life rapes, murders and other violent crimes and gamers can even be rewarded for committing such atrocities in video games.  Take some time to read some of the books written by Lt Col Dave Grossman. If you think guns alone are the problem I will go ahead and say it, you are uninformed and I suspect not all that interested in the truth.

Stop protecting and focusing on your own little corner of the world and look bigger to see the problems, the causes and the effects. Accept responsibility, lead courageously, reject passivity and focus on eternity.

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