Saturday, March 17, 2018

A St. Patrick's Day View

From Contributing Editor Tony Doyle

St. Patrick’s Day commemorates the passing of the missionary who it is believed brought Christianity to Ireland in the AD 400’s. As with almost all holidays, the “fun” stuff has been added in later, leprechauns, the green everything, the pot of gold, the four leaf clover, the “luck” of the Irish Connie and I are both Irish, (her maiden name was Greene) but I don’t believe in luck. I don’t believe anything happens per chance. I believe in execution and deliverance. If I execute my marriage vows, I will be delivered from the woe that comes from a broken marriage. If I execute my duties as a father, I will be delivered from the sadness over the choices my children might make. If I execute my obligations as a friend, I will be delivered from the failure of those friendships. If I execute my work out and diet plan, I will be delivered from the average and the limitations that come with it. If I execute the practice of common sense, I will be delivered from the walk back of bad decisions. But, the words execution and deliverance have many meanings. The execution of Jesus Christ delivered me from my sin and secured my eternal soul. It’s all about execution and deliverance. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, I hope you are “lucky” enough to be delivered! God bless ya’ll!

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